Mercury (Hobart)

Ogilvie calls for jobless rate action


INDEPENDEN­T Clark MP Madeleine Ogilvie has asked the Premier to pay special attention to Glenorchy’s “unacceptab­ly high” unemployme­nt rate.

In state parliament, Ms Ogilvie said Glenorchy had an unemployme­nt rate of 13.4 per cent and asked Premier Will Hodgman to do something to increase employment in the northern suburbs. lowest bulk-billing Australia.”

Mr Bowen would not be drawn on whether any failure to sell Labor’s signature health policies in Tasmania contribute­d to the party’s losses in Bass and Braddon in the May election.

“We are taking some time to think through what went rates in

“This is more than twice the national average and unacceptab­ly high. Unemployme­nt is badly affecting older workers and is heartbreak­ing for families; people want to work,” she said.

“Will you commit to locking in a target of reducing unemployme­nt in Glenorchy to meet the national average of 5.4 per cent by 2022?”

Mr Hodgman said the State Government aimed to reduce wrong, but we had a very strong health policy, lots of funding for hospitals, lots of funding for cancer, which is a big issue, and lots of funding for pensioners’ dental,” he said.

“People on balance didn’t pick our plan, so we need to think about, one, whether we need to modify those plans and two, how we sell the plans.” the state’s unemployme­nt rate to the national average — a feat which was achieved for a time under the last term of government.

Changes to the House of Assembly’s Sessional Orders tabled yesterday allowed Ms Ogilvie one question per question time, and private members’ time once every four sitting weeks. The Greens will continue to be allowed two questions.

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