Mercury (Hobart)

Cable car for visitors

- Brian Stafford Sandy Bay LAKE PEDDER: South-West National Park. Margaret Cashman Bailes Westerway Steve Bailey Glenorchy

AS a ratepayer in the City of Hobart who pays nearly $4000 per year for being able to trade at Salamanca Market which relies on tourists, I would love a cable car on Mt Wellington. There are lies told about the damage to the mountain, they should go and see Skyrail in Cairns, which has won many awards. A visitor centre at the base station and pinnacle would show the great city we live in, a city focused on climate change, running a cable car run by electricit­y and removing buses run on diesel cancer-causing emissions up the mountain on a road the council deems unsafe. the profits-at-any-cost mob. The anything-goes for money and all it can buy. Oh dear, what a big mess. I sat with my cardboard messages looking at the majority at the rally knowing how often many of us have struggled with the evils of bad economics, with more than enough disrespect by those not in attendance to lead to depression.

The joys of life of caring for our millions of species which belong on our one and only planet, of life — also so once balanced there would be no climate change nor extinction as we are more and more faced with. I am blessed to be surrounded with the best for our world, which relieves some depression. Thank you to all the many carers around the world for organising this rally and I will be there for all as long as I can. dubbed us the “Clever Country”. However, with much political ineptitude and mismanagem­ent in the near three decades since, I say we now deserve a far more critical moniker, as we have surely morphed into the “Stupid Country”.

We have pathetic energy supply and pricing, lack of water and irrigation infrastruc­ture, inept government­s and councils, unethical practices by banking and finance sectors, shameful hospital waiting lists, aged care issues, big business tax evasion, bureaucrat­ic overkill, drugs, domestic violence, pollution, feral pests, internet trolls, bullying, scammers, weak and soft judiciary, legal scandals, crime … the list goes on and on. When will we ever wake up and change? Sadly, as the great Banjo Paterson once wrote of Clancy of the Overflow in the Man from Snowy River, I believe that horse has truly bolted.

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