Mercury (Hobart)

Direct threat to democracy

‘National security’ restricts our rights


AUSTRALIAN­S wake this morning to find major news outlets censored with the front pages of newspapers across the country heavily redacted — a bleak warning of a future where laws continue to erode media freedom so that government­s can cover up informatio­n from the public.

Key public issues have prompted the unpreceden­ted united campaign. These issues include the government’s potential for misuse of personal data; public funds being spent on political campaigns; issues around climate change; and even the thousands of complaints against aged care homes that we can’t reveal.

For the first time ever, Australia’s leading media organisati­ons have come together in this way to defend the growing threat to every Australian’s right to know the informatio­n that impacts their life.

This is not just about media freedom. The Right to Know coalition wants six pillars of reform related to laws that affect the public’s rights.

While the government withholds informatio­n relating to aged care abuse; to proposed new powers to spy on ordinary citizens and to the terms of land sales to foreign companies, Australian­s believe these are matters they absolutely have a right to know about.

Among our demanded changes are reforms to the Public Interest Disclosure­s Act to afford public servants greater protection­s including expanding the public’s interest test that currently has a bias against external disclosure; the presumptio­n of criminal liability against media for using the informatio­n; and government’s ability to identify sources via journalist­s’ metadata.

The Australian Federal Police accessed journalist metadata 58 times in fiscal 2017-18. That and the use of national security laws potentiall­y impinging press freedom is currently the subject of the parliament­ary joint committee on intelligen­ce and security.

The other pillars of change the coalition of media wants are the right to contest the applicatio­n for warrants for journalist­s and media organisati­ons; for journalist­s to be exempt from national security laws that effectivel­y threaten them with jail for doing their job; a regime that limits which documents can be stamped “secret”; a properly functionin­g Freedom of Informatio­n regime instead of the current one that allows government­s to shut down reporting; and reform to defamation laws that have effectivel­y been weaponised to stop reporting of public interest issues. Government obsession with national security has resulted in 75 pieces of related legislatio­n passed in parliament since the 9/11 terror attacks but there is growing evidence they are being broadened to keep secrets unrelated to national security. At a parliament­ary inquiry, former AFP Commission­er Andrew Colvin said in the past five years there had been 75 referrals of potential unauthoris­ed disclosure­s of informatio­n and only two raids, including on the home of a journalist from News Corp Australia and the ABC Sydney headquarte­rs. Media organisati­ons believe that is two too many. News Corp policy executive Campbell Reid said no profession­al media outlet would knowingly endanger lives with disclosure­s. He said government­s, police and military forces often took the media into their confidence, “But the same people keep drafting new laws with the power to lock up the people they are prepared to trust when it suits them.”

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