Mercury (Hobart)

Release all reports

- B. Greer Beauty Point Bob Brown Cygnet Peter McGlone Tasmanian Conservati­on Trust

MEDIA reporters should be able to report news to the public. They are keeping the Australian people up to date with the same. Surely the Government has nothing to hide. Perhaps the Tasmanian Government will learn something and release their hidden reports. All reports by any politician­s should be released before their term in the election process, that way the public can read them and vote in a clear conscience. At least we will know who is honest in the political party we vote for. one of Earth’s most concentrat­ed natural carbon banks and a refuge for endangered wildlife. With Australia in a dreadful drought and a world where 150,000 people died last year due to global heating, logging rainforest and releasing greenhouse gases into an overloaded atmosphere is one of the most life-threatenin­g actions any government — Tasmanian, Congolese or Brazilian — could do and, as Gandhi observed, a thing worse than wrong laws is their implementa­tion.

I admire and encourage the good people who face arrest because they give up time and money to stand, or sit, against this plunder. If the Police Minister has an effective option for Tarkine forest defenders — for the planet’s ecological safety — many would be glad to take it up. But, considerin­g all that is at stake, being sidelined and ineffectiv­e is not a reasonable option.

Litter runs for Rosny

SOME letter-writers have complained about litter around the lookout on Rosny Hill and conclude this somehow justifies a 185m-long hotel and restaurant. Such a massive developmen­t will bring more people and maybe more litter, but perhaps fewer syringes and condoms. Council workers do twice weekly visits to Rosny Hill as they do with other council reserves, to collect litter and empty the single rubbish bin. Rosny Hill is very popular so perhaps staff could visit each morning, provide more rubbish bins and a recycling bin (which it does at other reserves). Research shows some people are less likely to drop litter if an area is litter-free. Perhaps the council litter officer could do spot checks and council could consider cameras in other municipali­ties

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