Mercury (Hobart)

Deal’s in the frame


ACCUSED sex offender and fallen movie mogul Harvey Weinstein is reportedly close to settling claims from dozens of women.

Weinstein won’t have to stump up any of the purported $US25 million ($36.3 million) payout, which will be covered by insurers and shared between lawyers and more than 30 accusers, The New York Times says.

The deal was slammed by other victims’ lawyers as “so morally wrong” after it was revealed almost $US12 million would go on legal fees.

Weinstein also won’t have to admit to any wrongdoing.

However, any settlement won’t end his legal troubles, with Weinstein, 67, to face trial next month in Manhattan over two counts of rape.

Weinstein’s bail was raised from $US1 million to $US5 million this week amid claims he violated his ankle bracelet requiremen­ts.

If approved by a judge, the settlement would insulate his former company, which filed for bankruptcy in the wake of Weinstein’s downfall. It would also provide a fund to settle any future claims, according to The New York Times, which quoted “many” lawyers involved.

Revelation­s that Weinstein preyed on dozens of women for decades sparked the #MeToo movement in October 2017. His accusers included Gwyneth Paltrow, Salma Hayek, Angelina Jolie and Ashley Judd.

None of those women are reportedly part of this settlement and Judd is pursuing Weinstein separately. Some of Weinstein’s less famous alleged victims said they were taking the deal, which would pay them a maximum $US500,000 each, because they felt it was their only option for justice.

Victim lawyer Genie Harrison said: “I don’t think there’s a markedly better deal to be made. We have really, truly done the best we can under the circumstan­ces and it’s important for other victims to know this, come forward and be able to get the best level of compensati­on we were able to get.”

At least four women have refused the offer, which is part of a class-action lawsuit and would be paid out by insurance companies for the folded Weinstein Company.

Lawyer Thomas Giuffra said he would object to the deal because so much was going to lawyers.

Mr Giuffra also told Variety that Weinstein stood to make as much as $US1 million from the agreement.

“That is so morally wrong,” Mr Giuffra said, adding that insurance companies would hand to Weinstein any settlement­s not accepted by plaintiffs.

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