Mercury (Hobart)

White warns on challenge


THE leaders of the state’s opposition parties have congratula­ted Peter Gutwein on his elevation to Premier — but say he has a big job ahead of him.

Labor Leader Rebecca White said Mr Gutwein was right to put health and housing high on his agenda, but said that the Liberals appeared to be a party divided.

“My concern is that the new premier will be too distracted looking over his shoulder, trying to figure out where Michael Ferguson is to actually get on with tackling some of these challenges.

“I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Michael Ferguson’s leadership ambitions and that is going to distract the Liberal Party from getting on and doing its job looking after people and making sure that they do change course and do challenge some of the status quo issues that are confrontin­g our state.”

Ms White said Mr Gutwein would need to work to distance himself from his reputation as a budgetslas­hing treasurer.

“He’s been the Treasurer that’s been the architect of the budget cuts that have resulted in the health crisis that we are unfortunat­ely dealing with today,” she said. “Now apparently as the Premier he’s going to find compassion — tell that to the thousands of people waiting for healthcare or waiting for affordable housing.”

Greens Leader Cassy O’Cononor said it was obvious Mr Gutwein needed to put the environmen­t at the top of his agenda and end the privatisat­ion of public assets including national parks.

“We are now in a climate emergency and in putting together his new cabinet he does need to have a minister for climate change,” she said.

“And really, if Peter Gutwein wants to be a good premier of Tasmania, he needs to rethink the whole approach to poker machines.”

Independen­t Madeleine Ogilvie said: “I was particular­ly pleased to hear the Premier immediatel­y highlight the need to do more on climate change.”

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