Mercury (Hobart)

Clock still ticking on K-Block


THERE is still no official opening date for the Royal Hobart Hospital K-Block.

Labor’s health spokeswoma­n Sarah Lovell slammed the government for the delays, but Premier Peter Gutwein yesterday said the government was “hopeful” the redevelopm­ent would open by the end of the month.

THE State Government is steadfastl­y refusing to explain what is holding up the opening the $690 million Royal Hobart Hospital K-Block redevelopm­ent.

Premier Peter Gutwein yesterday said the Government was “hopeful” the new block would open by the end of the month, but wouldn’t say what was causing the delay.

Robbie Moore from the Health and Community Services Union said staff did not believe it was possible for the new wing to open to patients in time.

“They’re not being honest or transparen­t about what’s going on,” he said.

“We’ve seen the issues that are there with, obviously, water and lead levels. Staff have no faith that it will be opening. The Government will not take over commission­ing of that building and nobody knows why they won’t even tell us what they’re doing.”

Labor’s Health spokeswoma­n Sarah Lovell said the public was owed an explanatio­n.

“This hospital was supposed to open in 2018. It’s been plagued by a litany of problems including industrial disputes, worker exposure to mould and asbestos, and now lead contaminat­ion in the drinking water,” she said.

Mr Gutwein said there were “matters that need to be worked through ... and that’s exactly what we’re doing”.

He would not comment on any action being taken against the contractor­s for the ongoing delays.

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