Mercury (Hobart)

Nobody at risk


SENATOR Claire Chandler’s Talking Point seems to be defending the right of the most privileged to continue denigratin­g marginalis­ed people (“Big names spark turning point on attacks on free speech,” July 17). While doing so, the senator demonstrat­es an alarming lack of concern for the wellbeing of transgende­r and genderdive­rse (TGD) people who are part of the Tasmania she was elected to represent.

In a single paragraph, the senator both discounts the existence of TGD people and implies they are a threat to women’s safety. This each-way bet causes harm to real people. It also ignores facts. We TGD people exist, and are legally recognised at federal and state levels.

As a trans woman who played women’s football for 11 seasons, I can assure the senator TGD people also play sport, use public facilities and other services. And nobody’s at risk, because major sporting bodies and service providers — including emergency housing, legal and health services, even Girl Guides — have policies to protect both TGD and cisgender participan­ts. Senator Chandler writes, “The overwhelmi­ng majority of the world’s population grew up understand­ing these concepts.” It’s an argument once used to justify denying women voting and property rights. But Tasmania has become a far more considerat­e and inclusive society since. It would be wonderful if the senator could join us.

Martine Delaney Risdon Vale

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