Mercury (Hobart)

Libs’ Ellis emerges in fifth recount


THE resignatio­n of Braddon Liberal MP Joan Rylah has triggered another recount, with Liberal candidate Felix Ellis almost certain to be elected to state parliament.

It is the fifth recount since the 2018 election, after the resignatio­ns of former premier Will Hodgman, fellow Liberals Rene Hidding, Adam Brooks, and Labor’s Scott Bacon.

Mrs Rylah was elected on a recount after Mr Brooks resigned last year, having lost her seat in 2018.

Political analyst Kevin Bonham said he believed it was the first time in state parliament a recount had been held to replace someone who had also been elected on a recount.

Dr Bonham said Mr Ellis, who is working as an adviser to Senator Richard Colbeck, was expected to “easily” win the recount as the only Liberal.

Mrs Rylah announced her resignatio­n on Monday following “lengthy considerat­ion”.

Premier Peter Gutwein expressed gratitude to Mrs Rylah for her service to Braddon.

Liberal Party state president Rod Scurrah said Mrs Rylah’s decision allowed for “generation­al renewal” in the party.

During the 2018 election campaign Tasmanian Aboriginal Corporatio­n chief executive Heather Sculthorpe called for the party to disendorse Mr Ellis over a Facebook post they said “made a mockery of Aboriginal heritage”.

Mr Gutwein said he was aware of the August 2017 post but said “it was dealt with at the time and we’ve moved on.”

At the time, Mr Ellis said the post was not intended to cause offence.

Mr Ellis was contacted for comment on Monday.

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