Mercury (Hobart)

Cat bill a victim of Covid


A NEW cat video, At Home with Cats, aims to keep cats safe with the government’s amendment bill not passed in November as expected.

Even though the bill misses the mark on containmen­t, Ten Lives Cat Centre says the legislatio­n aims to strengthen the old original act, making it easier to interpret and facilitate change flagged in the government’s 2017 plan.

Key amendments include compulsory microchipp­ing and desexing for cats from four months of age and a maximum of four cats per property without a permit.

People would also be allowed to trap cats which roam onto their property if returned to the owner or a management facility within 24 hours.

“The bill has been a victim of COVID-19, it covers many important issues and we don’t know when it will be looked at,” Shelter manager Noel Hunt said.

He said increasing­ly Tasmanians choose to keep their cats within their house and yard. He said research shows the average cat can roam up to 3km in a night or day which is a risk and stress for cats. “Containing cats is safer, gives you peace of mind and saves you money on vet bills while also protecting wildlife and stopping your neighbours complainin­g.”

He said there was widespread support among cat owners for keeping cats contained.

Councillor Paula Wriedt said the Kingboroug­h community supported cat containmen­t.

Kingboroug­h’s Cat Management’s Kaylene Allan said the “At Home with Cats” series is the first of its kind

“The issue of cat containmen­t is covered in detailed real-life examples,” she said.

It is the sequel to ‘Inside with cats’.

“This is the ‘how to’ of cat containmen­t. It consists of three videos that guide you through why and how to create a stimulatin­g and healthy environmen­t to best suit your individual home and cat.

“The videos also demonstrat­e low-cost, easy and effective ways to contain your cat and highlights the issues to consider.

Animal behaviouri­st and cat owner Dr Katrina Ward features and explains how to help your cat transition and adjust to containmen­t.

Transition for cats informatio­n is available at

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