Mercury (Hobart)

No loafing around, Linda’s on a winner


CHALLENGIN­G, rewarding, but lots of hard work.

That’s how Linda Free describes giving up a comfortabl­e job to branch out and buy a small business. But she’s never looked back.

Ms Free has owned Cripps Bakehouse Bellerive for the past 14 months — and it’s been a baptism of fire.

“We took over a very successful business from the previous owners, who had put it into a fantastic place,” she said.

“Unfortunat­ely corona(virus) hit, so it’s been challengin­g, but we also have wonderful stuff — and we kept all the staff, they’ve pretty much carried the business for us which has been fantastic, so we owe a lot to our staff.”

And it all started because of a midlife crisis. “I worked for the Commonweal­th Government, I worked for Centrelink for 21 years and decided my husband and I would buy a business in our 40s,” Ms Free laughed.

“I don’t know what we were thinking but it’s the best thing we ever did, I wish we had made the decision earlier.”

The decision wasn’t without its perils though with two teenage children to care for.

“It was a huge risk and a huge life decision, it was very scary when the coronaviru­s … when we went into those hard stage three and four restrictio­ns, we thought we were going to go under and lose the business,” Ms Free said.

Customers turn out in droves for the store’s doughnuts and pies — and another special treat not usually found at bakeries. “Our bestseller­s are our doughnuts, of course, and we make all our bread here on-site, we don’t buy any bread in which is quite unusual for bakeries,” Ms Free said.

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