Mercury (Hobart)




PREMIER Peter Gutwein will this week reveal a blueprint for major events to take place, which could save the Sydney to Hobart and allow for a BBL cricket hub in Tasmania.

State Growth, Events Tasmania, Sport and Recreation and Public Health are to set up a framework for larger events over the coming months, Director of Public Health Mark Veitch said.

“There’s gatherings of in the many hundreds or several thousand in stadiums and the like — there’ll be some guidelines about that,” he said.

It comes as Tasmania is set to open its borders to “safe states” next Monday, with only Victoria and NSW left outside the travel bubble.

Six New Zealanders have also arrived in Tasmania as part of the country’s travel bubble with NSW.

THERE is still hope that Tasmania’s last signature summer event, the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race, will go ahead.

While the Taste of Tasmania and many other events have already been scrapped, Premier Peter Gutwein said should COVID numbers in NSW remain low, there was optimism around the bluewater classic.

Mr Gutwein said Tasmania could reopen its borders with NSW from November 2, and planned to make an announceme­nt about larger events later this week.

“We will hold off an announceme­nt in terms of opening the border to them ( NSW) for another week but I would hope that that November 2 date would be able to come to fruition subject to them keeping their case numbers low,” Mr Gutwein said.

“Obviously, that opens up the opportunit­y for the Sydney to Hobart.”

The race, which starts on Boxing Day, traditiona­lly includes internatio­nal boats and sailors, and Mr Gutwein was not ruling them out.

“There would need to be special arrangemen­ts in place for obvious reasons with any internatio­nal yachtsmen and their quarantini­ng arrangemen­ts in terms of that race but they are matters to be worked through,” he said.

 ??  ?? A decision on this year’s Sydney Hobart could come this week.
A decision on this year’s Sydney Hobart could come this week.

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