Mercury (Hobart)

Pollies overplayed and overpaid



I HAD been putting together a response to David Killick’s article (“Our silence is golden for politician­s’ wages,” Mercury, December 29). I read the six submission­s to the Industrial Commission but decided there was no point in putting in a submission. What possible effect could it have and how would I find out if they even read them. It’s true the second invitation to respond was badly timed with Christmas fast approachin­g and all of us so very tired of the seemingly never- ending pandemic and potential consequenc­es to many of us.

Then along came Peter Alexis (“Give us a break on pollie pay”, Talking Point, January 4). A revelation, so succinct in describing our “overplayed and overpaid” politician­s. I’m with Peter, give us a few more of them to improve the talent pool because thanks to Liberals and Labor ganging up trying to get rid of anyone but one of their own, this is what we are left with. Peter mentions retired pollies’ rewards and there’s no better example than our own Will Hodgman, on a five- year all- expensespa­id contract in Singapore, one of the world’s top two most liveable cities. Not bad for a pollie who never did anything all the time he was on the public payroll although he did smile a lot and rolled up his sleeves once and not forgetting his parliament­ary pension and super. He was described as a leader (“A leader goes”, Mercury, December 31). Leaders don’t leave. They stay and lead. Mercury letter of the year for me Peter.

Philip Sumner

Blackmans Bay

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