Mercury (Hobart)



THE health minister is requesting input to assist with improvemen­ts to state health services ( Bruce Levett’s Talking Point, December 31), even though an Urgent Care Centre Feasibilit­y Report was done in 2019 based on interviews with the most senior public health officials. The dysfunctio­nal juggernaut which the state health system has become appears to have lost its way despite employing some of the most intelligen­t people in this state.

A commonsens­e approach to preventive health may take time, but someone needs to address the elephant in the room. Tasmania has some of the best natural assets and weather for outdoor activities, to grow healthy food and live a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, we have some of the most unhealthy citizens. Effects of inactivity, unhealthy eating, drugs, smoking, excessive alcohol and gambling should be communicat­ed to all students because psychologi­cal and medical health are linked. Once health begins to deteriorat­e it can be difficult to find a suitable GP. As reported by Health Consumers Tasmania CEO Bruce Levett, people leave things too late because they can’t access or afford medical attention.

Factors include: Welfare payments are insufficie­nt; consultati­ons of 10 minutes are not adequate; Insufficie­nt bulk- billing; Medicare not properly resourced; Nurses and doctors work double shifts ( employ more staff); Overworked people make mistakes; OHS standards should apply to medical staff; More 24/ 7 community health centres; Stringent hospital discharge ( too often medication is not dispensed and follow- ups forgotten).

It is almost incomprehe­nsible that in this day and age our medical services are in such disarray. One does not need a degree in rocket science to see mismanagem­ent will occur if services are repeatedly underfunde­d, then bandaid solutions attempted to cover up the underlying cause. Prevention is better than a patch- up or false diagnosis.

Monica Antel


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