Mercury (Hobart)



LAST week Tasmanian Premier “Merlin” Gutwein announced early next year Tasmania would find out if we are going to finally get our own AFL team instead of a co-located (as is presently the case) team or relocated team as happened with Sydney and Brisbane many years ago.

I don’t want to put the mockers on our bid, however from my observatio­n it appears to be a lay down mesire our bid will be successful.

Let’s hope the choice of an emblem is simply a discussion and not a debate. The unique and ferocious and still very much alive Tasmania Devil should be our unashamed emblem. I remember fondly supporting our ill fated Tassie Devils basketball Team in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Why should the Devil’s emblem retire with that team? Other uniquely Tasmanian options could include The Blue Eyes, or the Stripy Trumpeters. Carn The Devils … it’s a no-brainer.

John Bridge


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