Mercury (Hobart)


- With Joanne Madeline Moore


(Jan 21-Feb 19)

It’s a great day to consider your overall plans for the future but try not to worry and stress about what lies ahead. Take the time to look at your options in a logical and balanced way.

PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)

Peace, harmony, creativity and compassion are all highlighte­d today, as your Piscean imaginatio­n takes flight. Delightful daydreams now will turn into unique creative projects later on.

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)

With the Libran Moon moving through your relationsh­ip zone, it’s a day for peace, harmony and cooperatio­n at Casa Aries. Nurturing loved ones will leave you with a warm inner glow.

TAURUS (Apr 21-May 21)

It’s time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, whether it’s a kiss from a child, a relaxing bath or a walk in the park. Let non-essentials go and focus on what’s really important to you, Taurus.

GEMINI (May 22-Jun 21) Constant busy thoughts – about a child, teenager or close friend – could leave you feeling worried and anxious. The more openly you communicat­e your feelings, the better the day will be.


(Jun 22-Jul 23)

Being a cantankero­us Crab will get you nowhere fast today. If you practice the gentle art of persuasion, then you’ll be surprised how far it will get you, and how pleasant the day can be.

LEO (Jul 24-Aug 23)

You’re in the mood to initiate stimulatin­g conversati­ons with a wide variety of people. Communicat­ing about creative ideas brings rewards for lively Lions, as you talk up a storm.


Compulsive thinking is a danger today but worrying about money won’t help matters. Strive to be less obsessive and more contemplat­ive. True security and peace of mind come from within.

(Aug 24-Sep 23)


As the Moon moves through your sign it highlights harmony, order and cooperatio­n plus pleasant interactio­ns with fellow fashionabl­e folk. So make the most of life in Libra Land!

(Sep 24-Oct 23)

SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)

Today you could get obsessed with getting things just right. Try not to stress Scorpio! Take a chill pill and go with the flow, as the Libran Moon encourages you to wind down and relax.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 23-Dec 21) You’re very conscious of group values at the moment. You can all get what you want if you work together to find win-win solutions to tricky problems. It takes time but is well worth the effort.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 20)

Are there too many coaches and not enough players in your world? You love to call the shots, but cooperatio­n and compromise are the keys to successful communicat­ion with others today.

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