Mercury (Hobart)



CORRESPOND­ENT Michael McCall hits the nail right on the head linking overpopula­tion, resource depletion and pollution to global warming and climate change (Letters, September 9). I go a step further and add the present plague to this destructiv­e mix. It seems undeniable its rapid spread is assisted by crowded conditions.

It seems equally undeniable that the sum of the destructiv­e power of these factors adds up to more than that of the parts, a fact that might be overlooked by those working in narrow, specialise­d fields.

Brave prediction­s of impending disaster in the report “The Limits to Growth” commission­ed by The Club of Rome 1972 were set upon by detractors, but are proving close to the mark, set at some time between 2030 and 2050, at which world population will start declining due to what has been cautiously termed “lack of resources”.

We are bombarded almost daily with promises of “a return to preCovid normal” and such from the political, economic, and business community, the only advice I can offer is “don’t hold your breath”. David Clark

Sandy Bay

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