Mercury (Hobart)

Compassion after eight years in hell


IT is good to hear asylum seeker processing in Papua New Guinea is to end, drawing attention to our government’s continuing breach of human rights. Despite how many times asylum seekers are called illegals, the convention­s Australia has signed deem it legitimate to seek asylum when persecuted.

Our government chose to ignore the PNG Supreme Court. Will it now ensure all 125 asylum seekers in PNG are brought to Australia or will some be left behind? A place on Nauru is not an acceptable option. These men have been traumatise­d by their treatment and cumulative cruelty over eight years. What now Mr Morrison? Will we finally treat them with humanity and try to make up for years of brutalisat­ion? There has to be a humanitari­an way out of this. Eight years, Mr Morrison! We can never compensate for the inhumanity.

I do not wish to continue to be ashamed of what Australia has done through its government. Never in my name.

Margaret Eldridge Sandy Bay

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