Mercury (Hobart)

US navy in hypersonic missile test


WASHINGTON: The US has successful­ly tested hypersonic missile technology, a new weapons system that is already being deployed by both China and Russia.

The test, conducted at a NASA facility in Virginia, was a “vital step in the developmen­t of a navy-designed common hypersonic missile”, the US navy said in a statement.

“This test demonstrat­ed advanced hypersonic technologi­es, capabiliti­es, and prototype systems in a realistic operating environmen­t.”

Hypersonic missiles, like traditiona­l ballistic missiles, can fly more than five times the speed of sound (Mach 5).

However, they are more manoeuvera­ble than their ballistic counterpar­ts and can trace a low trajectory in the atmosphere, making them harder to defend against.

China has launched a hypersonic missile that completed a circuit of the planet before landing, missing its target.

Beijing insisted that the test was a routine one for a spacecraft rather than a missile.

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