Mercury (Hobart)



TASMANIAN police conducted almost 75 per cent less random breath tests to catch drink-drivers during the past financial year than in pre-pandemic times, with the practice wound back to reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmissi­on.

The Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management’s annual report also revealed police and other emergency personnel conducted an average of more than 80 quarantine checks a day during 2020-21.

The report, tabled in state parliament on Wednesday, showed 121,515 roadside breath tests were done statewide during 2020-21.

This compared with 281,175 in 2019-20, a year partly affected by Covid-19, and 438,322 during 2018-19 before the pandemic.

The report said roadside static random breath tests were suspended for part of the year, but other forms of such testing continued on a targeted basis.

Tasmania Police Commission­er Darren Hine said the demands caused by the Covid-19 pandemic had significan­tly affected police and the wider department.

“We continue to provide support to the Department of Health, in management of the emergency, and have diverted a number of police officers into Covid-related duties,” Mr Hine wrote.

Those duties include more than 30,000 quarantine compliance checks conducted during 2020-21, in conjunctio­n with SES personnel.

More than 50,000 such checks have been undertaken since the start of the pandemic.

A state of emergency was declared in March 2020 in Tasmania in response to the pandemic and has been extended three times.

Funding of $3.5m was provided to establish a new State Control Centre and State Operations Centre through Covid-19 infrastruc­ture stimulus initiative­s.

Police were also tasked, through the Deputy State Controller role, to determine requests from individual­s seeking to enter Tasmania and approving any exemptions from quarantine.

The annual report also showed there were 2320 reports related to family violence in 2020-21, compared with 2346 the previous year.

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