Mercury (Hobart)

Michael Clarke and Karl Stefanovic in wild scuffle


AUSTRALIAN cricket legend Michael Clarke and Today Show host Karl Stefanovic have squared off in a wild fracas in a public park, in which Clarke was slapped across the face by his girlfriend and accused of cheating.

The extraordin­ary showdown in Noosa on January 10 saw two of Australia’s most high profile celebritie­s and their partners — sisters Jade and Jasmine Yarbrough — in an emotionall­y charged blowup, which was filmed by a bystander and obtained by News Corp

Clarke told News Corp on Wednesday night: “I accept full responsibi­lity for this altercatio­n and am shattered by my actions”.

The fight began when the two high-profile couples and their celebrity accountant mate Anthony Bell were at dinner at a restaurant.

It’s understood Clarke’s celebrity fashion designer exgirlfrie­nd Pip Edwards and Jade had been in contact, sparking the confrontat­ion between Clarke and Jade.

Incredible vision shows a shirtless Clarke limping in a park surrounded by a group who are trying to calm the situation, while a furious Jade screams at him then slaps him across the face.

“You f...ed her on December 17 … You f...ed her, you’re a dog,” Jade screams.

Clarke responds: “Baby you’re wrong, you’re wrong.”

The screaming match took place in front of multiple people in a park, about 9.30pm,.

The bystander who filmed the fight said he was first alerted to the drama when he spotted Clarke and Stefanovic in a heated exchange.

“We were in the park and saw something erupt, and lo and behold it was one of the most famous cricketers in the country and one of the most famous TV identities in Australia fighting each other,” the man said.

Clarke told News Corp: “I’m absolutely gutted I’ve put people I hold in the highest regard in this position.,” he said.

“I own this fully.”

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