Mercury (Hobart)



TASMANIANS of all abilities will now be able to enjoy a day at the beach, after a council installed two permanent access ramps leading right to the water’s edge – a move believed to be a first for the state.

The ramps, at Park and Carlton beaches in the Sorell Council area, will allow wheelchair and mobility-device users to gain access to sand and water. The council is believed to be the first in the state to install permanent ramps which lead to the water.

Sorell Mayor Kerry Vincent said it became obvious that council would need to ensure the beach was accessible for as many people in the community as possible, and contacted ParaQuad Tasmania for advice. “They made fantastic suggestion­s about what could be done and how we could make it work for people with differing levels of mobility,” Mr Vincent said.

Kevin Faulkner is ParaQuad Tasmania

physical disability sports co-ordinator and a Sorell resident and wheelchair user who often heads to the beach. He said he was impressed with the new facilities, allowing him to gain access to the beach independen­tly.

In a 2021 ParaQuad Tasmania survey, 82 per cent of respondent­s agreed that the biggest barrier to accessing the beach was a lack of suitable ramps.

The body’s accessible tourism officer, Richard Witbreuk, said he hoped other councils would be inspired by the installati­ons. “After years of advocating for accessible beaches, to see what Sorell Council has delivered is fantastic,” Mr Witbreuk said. “We believe it's a first for Tasmania, and it shows leadership and commitment to accessibil­ity,

“It’s a smart move by the council because it makes the area a destinatio­n for more people to come and enjoy; it shows other councils what can be done with a consultati­ve approach.”

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