
Traffickin­g in persons refers to the act of transferri­ng, harbouring or transporti­ng people by use of force, deception or abuse of power to exploit, prostitute or enslave. The Global Report on Traffickin­g in Persons 2016 indicates that the primary victims of traffickin­g are women and girls. Women constitute 51 per cent of trafficked persons and girls 20 per cent, with the most common form of traffickin­g being sexual exploitati­on.

When female adolescent­s are sexually abused they face developmen­tal challenges. The most common cognitive changes related to abuse involve a negative view of the self and feelings of guilt, perceiving oneself as both helpless and hopeless, and having difficulty trusting others. Art therapy is considered one of the several treatments that allow a survivor to build self-esteem and cope with symptoms, stress and traumatic experience­s.

Research in Frontiers in Neuroscien­ce reveals that women with a history of sexual violence against them can significan­tly reduce traumarela­ted thoughts and memories by practising 30 minutes of meditation followed by 30 minutes of exercise just twice a week.

Including the body in therapeuti­c work, in the form or yoga, allows survivors of sexual abuse to establish a sense of safety and address their relationsh­ip with their body. It also provides choice and a sense of control, and together with mindfulnes­s can be used as an adjunct treatment with psychother­apy.

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