Modern Cat

Road Trip Prep



Pack extra food and water, petsafe cleaners, tethers, and toys.


Map out your route to include rest areas where your fur baby can use the bathroom and have a short play time, stretch and stroll.


Consider where you’ll use the bathroom as well. Reader Laura Riddle recommends stopping at pet stores to use the bathroom as you can bring your pets inside with you; a genius tip. Never leave your cat or other pets alone in a hot car.


Consider disposable litter trays or opt for scooping and bagging.


When choosing a safety-tested crate, make sure it’s big enough so your cat can stand up, lie down and turn around. But if the crate is too big, kitty can get bashed around.


The BC SPCA recommends "airline type" (not cardboard) cat travel carriers to keep your cat safe. A sturdier carrier provides greater protection and security for your cat, and it will protect your cat from escaping and from injury in the event of a crash.

It must be well vented for plenty of air. And make sure the crate is secured to your car through proper vehicle straps.


If you hate a crate, make sure a harness and tether is snugly fastened and your cat cannot roam around the car.


Crate or not, turn off power windows. Cats are escape artists.


Never let kitty sit on your lap. In case of an accident, there is a risk of being injured from the airbag, not to mention going through the front windshield.

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