Modern Dog (Canada)

Maverick + Kelly Brownfield, St. Robert, MO


From puppyhood, Maverick, a Great Dane, was groomed to become a therapy dog for the USO of Missouri. From the day he started working in this role, Maverick’s mission has been to help service members and their families.

“His true passion—when you see him light up the most—is when he works with the children of our military service members,” says his owner, Kelly Brownfield. “Maverick is their rock as he escorts children to the burial site of their fallen family member, stands on the podium with children as they testify in court, acts as an attentive pair of ears for children as they practice their reading skills, and provides stability support to wounded warriors as they learn to walk again.”

Indeed, at nearly 200 pounds, Maverick’s size allows other to literally lean on him when his support is needed the most.

“Maverick’s natural ability to show love and support to all he encounters makes him a hero in the hearts of many, touching the lives of thousands across the nation with his work,” says Brownfield.


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