Money Magazine Australia

The hot seat


What was your first job?

Working at StarTrack express courier down in Wollongong. Short shorts, socks up and away I went.

What’s the best money advice you’ve ever received?

Buy property, property and more property. It’s practical advice that I’m happy I got given.

What’s the best investment decision you’ve made?

The best investment I made was to retire from rugby league. I had to retire prematurel­y due to a neck injury. It was an investment in my body and health. It saved me from a potentiall­y disastrous situation and at the end of the day I need to be healthy to earn a living and to look after my family.

What’s the worst investment decision you’ve made?

My worst investment decision was to not invest in the fitness group F45 when it was a start-up. I had an opportunit­y but didn’t take it. I don’t think about it much … not at all (I’m being sarcastic, of course.)

What is your favourite thing to splurge on?

My kids. The look on their faces is priceless. When they are happy, we’re all happy.

If you had $10,000 where would you invest it?

Probably on something at my house. Something to make it more enjoyable for the kids to be at home. Like a big slide into the swimming pool. That would be good and I know they’d love it. (Even though I probably should buy shares or something.)

What would you do if you had only $50 left in your bank account?

For my last $50 I’d go and get prawns and eat them with my wife at the beach. With any leftover money, I would buy as many coffees as I could. Like four double shots. I really like coffee, as you can tell.

Do you intend to leave an inheritanc­e?

One hundred per cent. Money or property. If we think it’s tough now, imagine how hard it will be for our kids to get into the housing market. Scary. It’s important to me that I leave them something that can help them in the long run.

What is the biggest money problem sports stars face?

Tax. It doesn’t go away. Ever.

Finish this sentence: money makes ...

... the taxman come knockin’.

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