Mountain Biking UK




Before boxing my Intense Tracer up for the fifth round of the Enduro World Series, I decided to do some test runs of my local trail. On my final run, at 9.30pm, I went over the bars. Instantly, I knew something was wrong. I couldn’t breathe and had no sensation in my left leg.

It took me 30 minutes to call 999, because the impact had made my phone freeze. After another hour, no help had arrived, so I turned my phone flash on and waved it towards the village. Luckily my parents saw it and found me. It wasn’t until well past midnight that the Brecon Mountain Rescue Team finally reached us, but the guys were amazing – they got me onto a spinal scoop, took the pressure off my good lung and kept me warm.

A Coastguard helicopter was sent, but couldn’t land because of mist. It was 5.40am by the time the MRT got me down the hill, and by 7am I was in Salford Royal Hospital. After a week I was back up to 90 per cent lung capacity and my back was stable. I’m hoping to be up on my feet soon.

I’d like to thank all at Brecon MRT, the Coastguard and Salford Royal. I wouldn’t change anything I did on the trail – I’m well aware of the risks involved in the sport. What I’ve taken from this is how important it is to buy the best equipment you can. I had knee pads and a back protector, and my Troy Lee Designs A2 MIPS helmet took enough of the impact that I was left conscious and able to call for help – it saved my life.

Ben Llewellyn, viaemail WowBen,that’soneharrow­ingtale. Therearetw­olessonshe­re–invest indecentpr­otection,andneversa­y ‘‘justonelas­trun”!Getwellsoo­n.

 ??  ?? Simon Davies sent us this pic of himself dropping into Châtel Bike Park in France
Simon Davies sent us this pic of himself dropping into Châtel Bike Park in France
 ??  ?? In our Steel City DH feature ( MBUK 346), we identified the wrong rider as Granny McGnarly (aka Pat Horscroft). Sorry Pat! Here’s the high-octane OAP in full flow, courtesy of Josh Kilby
In our Steel City DH feature ( MBUK 346), we identified the wrong rider as Granny McGnarly (aka Pat Horscroft). Sorry Pat! Here’s the high-octane OAP in full flow, courtesy of Josh Kilby

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