Mountain Biking UK

Who is Chris Hall?


Just someone who loves to ride bikes, talk about bikes and dream about bikes.

What do you do? The podcast is a one-man team, so I’m the presenter, researcher, designer, web guy, tech support, etc.

How did you get into bikes? I was a Scout, and we did a race in the local woods. Me and my mate Jamie loved it. That was 29 years ago and we still ride together.

Where do you call home? Leeds. First bike? A Raleigh Budgie. Go-to bike? My Cotic FlareMAX. It’s amazing – so confidence­inspiring and super-fast!

What gets you excited to ride? Being outdoors and having fun on bikes with my mates.

Favourite rider to watch? Josh Bryceland. Even when he’s not riding, how much he enjoys life is infectious.

Most interestin­g person you’ve interviewe­d? Rob Copeland, the sports psychologi­st who helped Steve Peat get his World Champs win. It’s a side of the sport I’d never really known much about.

Favourite bike film? Anything from Alex Rankin! I grew up watching Sprung, and enjoy the Fabric stuff. You’re guaranteed an awesome soundtrack too!

Best trail you’ve ridden this year? I’m a big fan of the steep, loamy trails at Kilburn. They’ve built some pretty special stuff there!

Scariest ride? A ridiculous­ly long, steep chute in Italy with a 90-degree left turn at the bottom that you couldn’t slow down for. I watched nine out of 10 of my mates crash while trying to ride it, and then it was my turn!

Worst crash? Going over the bars dropping into a bombhole, catching my leg in the frame and snapping my femur. The first bone I ever broke.

Clips or flats? Flats. Even though I have none of Sam Hill’s talent, I just feel more comfortabl­e on them.

650b or 29in? 29 – it’s fast and fun.

Bike park flow or natural gnar? Bike parks didn’t exist when I grew up, so if I had to choose, it'd be natural trails.

Race results or Instagram followers? I should say Instagram followers (@downtime podcast, thanks!), but I’d choose race results any day. I’m gradually improving, but I’ve got a long way to go to get near a podium!

Who’d you rather fight – Richie Rude or Brook Macdonald? I’m a lover, not a fighter. Dream sponsor? I love what Loïc, Finn and Loris have been wearing, so probably Fox.

How far can you wheelie? Not very far, but further than I used to be able to.

Desert island luxury? My bike… there’s hills on this island, right?

Advice for your 13-yearold self? Follow your passion. The world would be a better place if everyone was working on something they were excited about.

What would you be doing if you weren’t doing the podcast? I’d probably still be an engineer – sitting in an office, wishing I was riding my bike.

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