Mountain Biking UK

60 Seconds REMY with... MORTON


Aussie pinner Remy Morton is one of those annoying guys who’s as fast as he is stylish. The 22-year-old first appeared on our radar as a Junior World Cup racer, riding for the Polygon UR Team. After finishing an impressive eighth in the series in 2016, Remy’s progressio­n was cut short by a massive crash at Nico Vink’s Loosefest the following year. It’s been a long road to recovery for the aspiring racer, but he’s finally back to full health and confidence, and is hungry to be back at the sharp end next season. In the meantime, he lives in Queenstown, where he can be found hitting jumps on his BMX that are bigger than most of us would dare to tackle on a full DH rig!

Who is Remy Morton?

A 21-year-old bike rider originatin­g from Gold Coast, Australia, but currently residing in Queenstown, New Zealand.

What do you do?

I’d say pretty much every activity I do revolves around riding and anything that’s not to do with riding is low priority! I dig trails for work, full-time, as well as building my own stuff. When I’m not doing that I’m out in the woods riding!

First bike?

1988 GT Performer BMX.

Current go-to bike?

Commencal Furious.

What gets you excited to ride?

Building jumps.

Favourite rider to watch?

Jack Humphries.

Favourite bike film?

New World Disorder IV – Ride the Lightning.

Best trail you’ve ridden this year?

The Crankworx Rotorua downhill track.

Scariest time on a bike?

Getting over the fear of riding big jumps again after that crash. It’s been the most rewarding moment in all of my riding years.

Worst crash?

Loosefest 2017. I broke my neck, my sternum, one collarbone and nine ribs, with one hip broken and the other dislocated. I collapsed both my lungs, had nerve damage in my right arm which nearly paralysed me and was in an induced coma for 22 days. Crashes happen. I’ve no one to blame but myself for that one!

Clips or flats?

Full-time flats. I always race with clips though!

650b or 29in?

650b and 20in are my two ideal wheel sizes.

Bike park flow or natural gnar?

Depends on the day. I do like jumps though!

Race results or Instagram followers?

I’ve always wanted to be a racer. When I was growing up, Instagram wasn’t even a thing, although over the last two years, due to injury, it’s something I’ve tried to push.

Dream sponsor?

Quantas. Flying is what I spend the most money on.

How far can you wheelie?

Not far enough…

Desert island luxury?

A spade and a bike.

Advice for your 13-yearold self?

Don’t sell out, respect the people you trust most and stick by them.

What would you be doing if this wasn’t an option?

Filming skateboard­ing, graphic design or music.

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