Mountain Biking UK



Located near the coast, Dalbeattie has a great range of tracks given that there isn’t a huge amount of elevation to be found. The most famous feature is a 14m-high lump of granite called The Slab – venture onto the red-graded Hardrock trail and you’ll soon find yourself rolling down it. It’s the expanses of rock that really define the riding here.

essential info

FACILITIES Bike wash, pay-and-display parking, toilets. NEARBY BIKE SHOP MPG Cycles, Dalbeattie, 01556 610659, Gorsebank (bike hire, on site), 07814 501214, www.gorsebankg­ MORE INFORMATIO­N www.7stanesmou­ntain GETTING THERE Dalbeattie is about 13 miles from Dumfries, on the A711. The car park is a short way south of the town. Postcode: DG5 4QU

the trails TASTER LOOP 4km TASTER LOOP 4km IRONHASH 11.5km

An easy ride into the forest. Fairly flat, and ideal for beginners who want to get a feel for what mountain biking has to o er. Mostly on forest roads, the green trail does include two small sections of singletrac­k.


While not that technical, the blue trail is a good introducti­on to riding on the granite prevalent in these parts. The loop is a reasonable length and allows you to take in some great views. HARDROCK 25km The Hardrock is a classic red route, with plenty of singletrac­k and some challengin­g black-graded features to negotiate too. While the rocky surface is still really grippy in the wet, you need to watch your lines on the lumps of granite.

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