Mountain Biking UK



Newcastlet­on’s trails aren’t overly di cult but have a real ‘out in the wilds’ feel. Because the trailhead is situated in the village square, there are plenty of facilities on hand. Two sections of the red route are currently being upgraded, with more than 40 jumps and berms due to be built.

essential info

FACILITIES Parking (+ bike hire, cafes and shops in village). NEARBY BIKE SHOP BIKESEVEN, Longtown, Carlisle, 01228 792497, Rock UK (bike hire), Newcastlet­on, 01387 375394, MORE INFORMATIO­N www.7stanesmou­ntain GETTING THERE The turning to Newcastlet­on is off the A7 just before Canonbie. Postcode: TD9 0QD

the trails LINNS ROUTE 8km

Entirely on forest roads, but there’s plenty of hills and some great scenery to enjoy.


This mellow trail begins with a quick descent between the trees. It’s not that technical but still shedloads of fun, with berms, wooden boardwalks, optional rock steps and some sweet singletrac­k.

RED ROUTE 23.7km

Easier than other 7stanes reds, this route is only 50 per cent singletrac­k, although it does include berms, jumps and drop-o s, plus a flowy final descent. Two great new sections are being built – Swarf Hill and Hidden Valley, which will deliver about 2.5km of descending, packed with jumps and berms.


Three short trails focus on di erent aspects of riding, with drop-o , flow and technical options. There’s also a dual slalom track and pump track. A perfect warm-up!

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