Mountain Biking UK

Who is Elliott Heap?


A 22-year-old pie eater from Wigan, Greater Manchester.

What do you do?

I compete in the Enduro World Series, Crankworx and 4X World Champs, all for Team Chain Reaction Cycles, sponsored by Nukeproof. I also run my own coaching company with my dad and brother – Ride MTB Coaching.

How did you get into bike riding?

I loved riding bikes from a young age. Between the ages of six and 14, I raced motocross, but suffered quite a few injuries in the last few years. I picked up a mountain bike, along with a few friends, and it progressed from there.

Where do you call home?

Wigan. A wild place in the North West without many hills but lots of football and rugby (not the best for me!).

What was your first bike?

A Trek Fuel EX 5.5.

What’s your current go-to bike?

A 2021 Nukeproof Mega.

What gets you excited to ride?

Knowing how much of a good time I’m going to have!

Who’s your favourite rider to watch?

Sam Hill, Jack Moir, Conor Fearon and Sam Blenkinsop.

What’s your favourite bike film?

Earthed – all of them.

Best trail you’ve ridden this year?

Tough question. Maybe Petzen in Austria. They had a stage with a 1,000m vertical drop, which we raced in 2018 for the EWS. That was serious!

What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done on a bike?

Riding down the iciest rocky thing you’ve ever seen in the Lake District. It’s safe to say I had to change my duds when I got back… never again!

Worst crash you’ve had?

In the local woods I hit a massive loose rock and went over the bars, hitting a tree head-on. I knocked myself out and separated my shoulder, which was crap to say the least.

Biggest ride of your life?

Finale Ligure Enduro World Series 2018, the last race of the season, which I had to win to take the U21 title. I didn’t sleep the night before because I was that nervous about throwing it all away, but when race day came, I rode well and ended up taking the win! Winning alongside Sam [Hill] was by far the best day of my life.

Clips or flats?

I use clips the most, simply because I’m faster on them, but I love putting flats on and sliding around in some wet turns!

Bike park flow or natural gnar?


How far can you wheelie?

I’d tell you if I knew! I’ll have to measure it.

What would be your desert island luxury?

A Bowen’s Chunky Steak Pie – heaven.

What good advice would you give to your 13-year-old self?

Sack the motocross off, bud – mountain biking is your thing.

What would you be doing if you weren’t writing and publishing?

Probably something to do with cars, because that’s my hobby. And racing on the weekends. I don’t know what I’d race, but I know that I’d love it. That’s all I’ve ever known!

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