New Idea



As parents increasing­ly take to social media to show off their Christmas trees, it has become a seasonal sport to comment on how many presents we’ve bought the kids.

Some families have strong traditions – one big present from Santa, a few from Mum and Dad and a few more from relatives.

Others see it as a time for indulgence with one mum posting a picture of her tree virtually obscured by hundreds of presents.

So is it a problem if kids get too much – or, indeed, too little? Family counsellor and psychother­apist Karen Phillip believes the number of presents is less important than creating traditions and a sense of community.

‘I don’t think attitudes have changed much in the past 50 years – most parents want to get their children gifts they know they’ll like. But it’s important to build a sense of belonging by creating traditions and making sure that you celebrate being together, sharing and, in some cases, showing forgivenes­s.’

Karen believes as well as receiving presents children need to learn to give. ‘Rather than handing $20 to your child and getting them to choose something at the shops, it’s better to encourage them to make something for Dad or Nanna. They could bake something or make something simple to stick on the fridge – the key is putting in effort for someone else.’

She also warns busy parents against buying ‘guilt’ presents to make up for not being around.

‘You see parents buying more and more but they’re far better to buy something like a boogie board or a soccer ball so they can get out and participat­e with their kids. The thing kids want most from their parents is their time.’

While it’s great to be able to give your kids exactly what their hearts desire, Karen says it’s also an opportunit­y to get them practical gifts such as new pyjamas or thongs.

Finally, she recommends divorced parents communicat­e with each other about presents rather than compete. ‘They could share the cost of a large present, then get the child a few small presents each.’

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