New Idea


Have Queen Margrethe and Prince Philip been keeping a very scandalous secret romance for more than 50 years? That’s the shocking rumour coming out of Denmark and the UK after a portrait of the English royal was released to a Copenhagen museum. Painted i


dementia. The cruel disease is said to have advanced quicker than expected and the 83-yearold has been downgraded from his royal engagement­s.

In previous years, Queen Margrethe has been adamant she would never abdicate. Yet, that was before Henrik’s disease reached new lows.

On top of that, Margrethe isn’t getting any younger. Now with an ill husband to care for, she is likely to want to take a step back from duties.

It has been apparent for some time that Frederik and Mary have been preparing for the top job. In recent years, the couple have steadily increased their royal duties and in the process earned a reputation as the darlings of Denmark.

Frederik has also matured in the eyes of the Danes. He is considered an establishe­d and responsibl­e family man, who is ready to take the throne.

‘Next year, Crown Prince Frederik will be 50 years old. He is as ready as he can be to become king,’ royal expert Sebastian says.

Mary has also put her full support behind her husband. In a photo book released last month, Mary detailed how, when Frederik becomes king, he is likely to be the type of leader who remains true to himself. Mary also highlighte­d Frederik’s honesty as his leadership strength.

With increased chatter surroundin­g the changeover, it appears to be not a matter of ‘if ’ but ‘when’ the queen will step down in favour of Frederik.

An upcoming announceme­nt would also explain Mary’s planned trip home to Australia.

The royal court confirmed that Mary, Frederik and their children will be celebratin­g Christmas Down Under.

There was initially some criticism in the Danish press over their decision to leave Margrethe and Henrik alone.

Communicat­ions expert Klaus Kjoller explained that it was perceived as ‘strange’ for the royal family to be apart for the holidays, particular­ly since it may be the last Christmas that Prince Henrik is relatively well.

But if Frederik and Mary are on the verge of being named king and queen, it makes sense Mary would want the family to return to Australia once more.

When the couple are assigned new titles, their royal duties will increase tenfold. For Mary, this will mean fewer opportunit­ies to return to Australia to catch up with family and friends.

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