New Idea



- By Jacqui Deevoy

met 24-year-old soldier Adam.

There was an instant attraction between the pair, but because Emma had no desire to have any more children, she made herself doubly safe by taking the contracept­ive pill and using condoms.

But then the inexplicab­le happened. Emma fell pregnant.

Stevie – another girl – was born in January 2012 and, while both proud parents were over the moon at her arrival, Emma decided that enough was finally enough.

‘After Stevie was born, I went straight to my GP and begged to be sterilised, but my doctor thought that at 25 I was too young and persuaded me to have a coil fitted,’ Emma says.

‘She suggested the copper coil, as opposed to the one that released hormones, as we were starting to wonder whether the hormones I’d been taking were somehow making me more fertile. I trusted the doctor when she said this type of contracept­ive could be the one to work for me.’

The coil served her well until March last year, when Emma discovered she was pregnant yet again!

‘This time, I wasn’t very surprised,’ Emma admits. ‘I was starting to realise that no contracept­ion could stop me from getting pregnant. Adam was amazed, but put the pregnancy down to him having super-sperm rather than me being super-fertile – and baby Reginald arrived a month premature on October 19, 2016.

‘It was great having a little boy after having three girls: little Reginald made my gang feel complete.’

Sadly, Emma and Adam grew apart after the birth of Reginald and the couple split, but they remain friends.

Finally, Emma’s doctor agreed that sterilisat­ion might be the only option, and Emma underwent the operation in April this year.

‘There’s actually a zero chance of me getting pregnant at the moment,’ says a nowsingle Emma. ‘I’m actually too scared to have sex now, so I’m just not bothering. It’s just not worth the stress.’

But if she meets someone new and gets over her anxiety, will this last resort method work for Emma?

‘My doctor says that even with sterilisat­ion, there’s a one in 200 chance of me getting pregnant. Knowing my luck, I’ll be that 0.05 per cent! All I can say is: “Watch this space!”’

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