New Idea



Whether he’s slaying it on stage as the lead singer of Cold Chisel, or killing it as a solo act, Jimmy Barnes always brings guts and glory to his performanc­es – not to mention his fair share of heart and soul.

But his ongoing journey to success and happiness hasn’t been an easy one.

Born on the kitchen floor of his parents’ home in Glasgow, Scotland in 1956, James Swan experience­d a harrowing childhood filled with domestic violence, alcoholism and instances of sexual abuse.

When Jimmy’s parents decided to move to Australia in 1961, little did they know they weren’t in for a picture-perfect experience.

Hopes and visions of new beginnings where dashed as Jimmy’s parents continued to engage in a violent and tumultuous relationsh­ip, which saw his mum and dad physically fight each other to the point of drawing blood.

While pain and suffering haunted Jimmy throughout his adolescenc­e and adulthood, there was one particular life changing moment that had a positive effect on his story – and that was the day he walked into the Women’s Liberation Hall in Adelaide to try out for a new young band called Cold Chisel. But just like with his personal life, Jimmy’s time in the spotlight was filled with ups and downs.

By the early ’80s, the group was huge in the eyes of the Australian public, yet Jimmy’s personal life continued to spiral. He was drinking bottles of spirits every day, and the pressure of providing for his own growing family was creating major tensions between himself and the band.

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