New Idea


PAST LIVES AND OLD BONDS CAN STILL SHAPE WHO WE ARE TODAY Vicky, it was kind of you to reach out to your friend, she must have been a special person to have touched you so deeply. She would have been pretty far gone just a few weeks before her passing. He


QI’ve always had an affinity with the 1950s and love the fashion, the cars, the home decor and the music, which I often find brings me to tears. Do you think it’s possible that I had a past life in this era, and how could I find out?

Marina, via email.

AMarina, often when people vibe with an era from the past, their soul is familiar with that time because they’ve been there before. It’s possible that part of you misses the life you had in the 1950s. Tom Mcmullan is on my website, he’s an astrologer who sees where you’ve been in past lives, so he could be helpful. There are also psychologi­sts who do past-life regression through hypnosis, which can be useful in extracting past-life memories. I hope you find the answers you seek.

QA colleague and friend who I met in my 20s died recently from cancer. We had lost touch many years before as I had moved overseas and she was busy with a young family, but by chance I came across a blog she was writing about her journey to raise money for cancer research. I sent a donation with a message via a ‘giving’ website, but didn’t hear back from her – I think she must have been very ill by then as she passed away a few weeks later. Do you think she received my message and knows that I was thinking of her?

Vicky, via email.

AQI have split with my husband and he moved out six months ago. However, I still feel his energy around the house and don’t feel I’m able to move on at the moment. Is there any kind of ceremony I can do to help me cut the ties with him as I feel this is holding me back with my life?

Belinda, via email.

ABelinda, this is a very good question. One of the mistakes that people make when clearing a house is they just burn sage. Sage removes all energy, both the bad and good. After you burn the sage it’s important to burn sweet grass which restores the positive energy. I have a video on Youtube on how to clear a house, maybe that will be of help to you and New Idea readers. I also find it helpful to write down all of the moments with your ex and their character traits that bothered you. After you write every single thing down, burn the paper and say, “I’m letting the negativity in my life go” and mean it. Even broken relationsh­ips in our lives serve a purpose. Your ex taught you what you don’t want in a mate; in the future you’ll have a better idea of what works for you. There’s somebody better out there for you, so leave the baggage with your ex in the past when you enter a new relationsh­ip. A lot of people destroy present relationsh­ips by projecting past wounds on to their new partner. Let your past be your past, learn from life’s lessons, wish your ex well, consider yourself lucky to be free from a bad relationsh­ip and reboot your life! Good luck, with your house clearing.

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