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- TO RECEIVE A PERSONAL PET READING FROM MICHAEL: Send a photo and the name of your animal friend to

My beautiful Westie Bonnie passed away in June 2018. She had pancreatit­is at 1 year old and was diagnosed this year with kidney disease. She was very poorly and I made the heartbreak­ing decision to put her to sleep. I still struggle with the decision I made. Did I do the right thing? I’m still so very heartbroke­n and cry almost every day. I miss her so much. Can you get in touch with her to tell her that her Mummy loves her and misses her very much? KYM, VIA EMAIL. As I tune into the spirit world I see Bonnie as one of at least four dogs in your life – and I feel that there is (or will be) more than one Westie connected to you. Bonnie wants you to know she is not alone and has met up with a kind, older father figure who has crossed over, as well as the other dogs who went into the light before Bonnie.

Bonnie shows a trip away you have taken (or perhaps are planning) which will turn out to be very healing for you, even though it doesn’t take away the ache you still feel from missing your girl in your daily life.

Despite her health challenges, Bonnie shows she had excellent hearing and would often leap from the sofa and run to see what action was taking place outside in the street. She wants you to know that in her spiritual body she feels no discomfort or pain. All affliction­s and difficulti­es were left behind when she left her precious body and she wants you to know that she is running freely on the other side and exploring the wide open spaces in spirit.

Bonnie really wants to convey her love to you and to reassure you that she is doing very well on the other side. She doesn’t want you to carry the heavy guilt about helping her over to the spirit world because you acted out of a place of love and a desire to ease her pain.

Bonnie loves it when you communicat­e with the photos of her and speak to her about how much you adore and miss her beautiful presence. She wants you to allow your life to be open again to the activities which give you joy and meaning in your life. You will begin to smile and laugh again as the acute pain begins to change form and you allow some sunshine into your life once more, knowing Bonnie is close by, wagging her tail in spirit and so happy for you.

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