New Idea


These easy, makeahead treats not only look impressive, but they taste divine! Makes 12, Prep and Cook: 50 mins


175g dark cooking chocolate,


125g unsalted butter, chopped,

at room temperatur­e

1 cup brown sugar, firmly


1 tblsp instant coffee granules 2 eggs, lightly beaten

¾ cup self-raising flour

¹⁄³ cup plain flour

2 tblsps cocoa powder

1 cup buttermilk

2 x 200g packets Arnott’s

Original Chocolate Tim Tam


100g dark cooking chocolate,


¼ cup thickened cream

1 Line a 12-hole muffin pan (¹⁄³-cup capacity) with paper cases.

2 Combine chocolate, butter, sugar and coffee granules in a medium saucepan over a low heat. Stir until chocolate is melted and sugar is dissolved. Transfer to a large bowl. Cool slightly.

3 Whisk eggs into chocolate mixture until smooth. Add combined sifted flours and cocoa alternatel­y with buttermilk. Whisk until smooth.

4 Divide mixture evenly among cases. Cut six of the biscuits in half crossways. Press a half piece into the batter of each one.

5 Cook in a moderately slow oven (160C) for about 25 to 30 minutes or until cakes spring back when lightly touched. Remove from oven. Stand in pan for 5 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

6 To make ganache, place chocolate and cream in a medium heatproof bowl sitting over a saucepan of simmering water. Stir until smooth. Refrigerat­e for about 30 minutes, or until slightly thickened.

7 To decorate, cut 12 of the remaining biscuits in half diagonally, reserving remaining biscuits for another use. Spread ganache evenly over cakes. Decorate with halved biscuits.

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