New Idea


Will Jasmine tell Robbo that Tori’s pregnant?


Rocked to the core to discover that Tori (Penny Mcnamee) not only went against Robbo’s (Jake Ryan) wishes and underwent a second embryo implantati­on but is now pregnant, Jasmine (Sam Frost) is in total turmoil.

“Jasmine has been on to Tori,” says Sam. “Tori’s one of those people who is quite transparen­t and Jas can read her well – particular­ly because they work so closely together. She’s noticed Tori avoiding her and put two and two together, before looking up Tori’s files. She went against her values to do this, but she felt she simply had to know.”

Now, after furiously confrontin­g Tori, Jasmine reluctantl­y agrees to keep the medico’s secret from Robbo. But she couldn’t feel worse about it.

“Jasmine feels completely blindsided by what Tori has done,” says Sam. “Tori has always said she wants to protect Robbo and that they’re really good mates. Now Jas is completely in disbelief that Tori would do this to someone who is her friend and who was destroyed by Tori’s miscarriag­e.

“To go behind his back is something Jas sees as an absolute betrayal, and she’s furious with Tori.”

Meanwhile, Robbo can’t help but notice that something is bothering his fiancee.

“Jasmine’s so angry, frustrated and also hurt for Robbo,” says Sam. “She can’t think about anything else but this and what to do.”

For at a time when the young nurse should be the happiest she’s ever been, Jasmine is racked with guilt.

But as Sam says: “Jasmine knows that if Robbo does find out that Tori’s pregnant, it could derail him and also his relationsh­ip with Jasmine. Everything could change.”

Will Jasmine be able to keep Tori’s baby secret from her husband-to-be, or is Robbo’s love bubble about to explode?


 ??  ?? Jasmine is worried that Tori’s baby news will derail her relationsh­ip. When Jasmine discovers the truth she furiously confronts Tori about what she sees as a betrayal of Robbo’s friendship.
Jasmine is worried that Tori’s baby news will derail her relationsh­ip. When Jasmine discovers the truth she furiously confronts Tori about what she sees as a betrayal of Robbo’s friendship.
 ??  ?? Ziggy is rushed to hospital after collapsing at the end of the marathon. Colby will come clean to Chelsea about shooting Ross, but how will she react?
Ziggy is rushed to hospital after collapsing at the end of the marathon. Colby will come clean to Chelsea about shooting Ross, but how will she react?

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