New Idea

Tried & tested

Our parent panel tried Blackmores Toddler Milk Drink, offering vitamins, minerals and nutritiona­l support for busy little bodies


It takes the right nutrition to keep a busy, growing toddler on their toes, but sometimes they can use a bit of support, especially if they’re a picky eater. We asked the Practical Parenting Tried and Tested review panel to try Blackmores Toddler Milk Drink. Here’s what they said...

“My little Miss absolutely loved the Blackmores Toddler Milk Drink! Every morning she would ask me to make her a “milkshake”.

ERIN H, PP REVIEWER “It’s been gentle on her tummy with no noticeable changes. It’s nice and creamy and it is easy to make.”

BENITA B, PP REVIEWER “I like to know that my toddler is getting the nutritiona­l benefits she needs from this formula. ”

ALANA W, PP REVIEWER “I was impressed by the fresh Australian Milk from grassfed cows and the long list of vitamins. And so was my two-year-old who enjoyed it!”

PEGGY W, PP REVIEWER “My toddler is very fussy, so I feel satisfied knowing she can drink something that has a good balance of vitamins while enjoying the flavour.”



Supporting healthy growth and developmen­t with essential vitamins A, C, D, E and Calcium, Blackmores Toddler Milk Drink is enriched with even more nutrients for a settled toddler. Made from premium Australian milk, it also has no added table sugar (sucrose) or artificial sweeteners.

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