New Idea




It appears newly single Michael Clarke hasn’t wasted any time in moving on after separating from wife Kyly. The cricketer, 38, went public with fashion designer Pip Edwards, 40, while out on a stroll around Sydney Harbour last week.

Insiders say the pair haven’t ruled out the possibilit­y of a romance being on the cards.

“They’ve got nothing to hide. They’re really good friends ... who knows what will happen in the future?” a source told Daily Mail Australia.

It seems even the rich and famous aren’t immune to the temptation­s of stockpilin­g amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Former tennis star Lleyton Hewitt’s wife Bec was spotted grocery shopping with their 9-year-old daughter Ava in Melbourne on Sunday morning as Victoria prepared to shut its borders. The pair were buying up groceries including toilet paper, cereal and pet food.

Later in the day, a large delivery arrived at the family’s home in Toorak.

The driver was seen wheeling in crate-loads of shopping on several separate drop-offs.

It comes as Prime Minister Scott Morrison lashed out at “un-australian” panicbuyer­s, urging people to “stop hoarding” as he addressed the country to announce the sweeping new coronaviru­s bans.

There is no suggestion Bec and Lleyton were panic buying unnecessar­y goods.

The family of five are certainly ready for the inevitable city lockdown as citizens around the country flock to grocery stores to stock up on essentials. But Lleyton, Bec, Ava, Cruz and Mia will be able to enjoy their self-isolation in their $12.7 million mansion.

The current upheaval to our everyday existence and quality of life is not new – the world is cyclic, with multiple reawakenin­gs over the centuries. This upheaval seems to occur every 100 years or so, pulling out the rug from under us, stripping us bare of all we hold near and dear, and forcing a re-evaluation of priorities. The good news is we survived before! We are here now to reset the world once more.

This resetting is not limited to race, colour, religion, culture or continent – we are all in this together. Tension between countries drops, communicat­ion becomes more open as we are forced into unificatio­n through this pandemic. The gift of internatio­nal travel has become a curse as it allows borders to be compromise­d. The gift of rapid communicat­ion has become a curse with instant global updates heightenin­g fear.

Yet there are lessons we can take from this correction that will assist us as we go forward into the future. And we do have a future! I sense this pressure will not start to ease on the health system till September and will trickle over into the new year. February seems to be a time of relief with celebratio­n for many.

So what can you achieve in the interim, you may well ask?

Busyness is deafness to the spirit world. We have looked at instant results and instant gratificat­ion. Keeping busy allows us not to look at the gems (our partners, family, children, pets) we leave behind as we head off to work to earn the dollar to pay for the latest toy, gadget, home, etc. We flaunt material objects to demonstrat­e our successes but this hinders us from time to nourish what matters most – a sense of ‘home’, a sense of community. How many of us know the name of our neighbours, people in our apartment block or street?

Yes, our busyness has had another price. We have lost the sense of community and its contributi­on to our existence.

The gift will be the solidifyin­g of our relationsh­ips in our suburbs through social media – bartering will once again be popular – as we swap goods/services/food.

Simple gestures of caring for each other have been lost in the buzz of a ‘must have’ society. We will crave community.

Even our beloved royal family will not escape this. The monarchy has been significan­tly reshaped. Prince Charles’ time to be king will be brought forward. I see a flag over Buckingham Palace being lowered as a significan­t royal passes. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, there is a Golden Age to come.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ daughter Suri is fast growing up – and it appears the 13-year-old is ready to start making some big decisions.

For the past few years, Suri has been all but estranged from her actor father. Sources say, however, she is now looking to run off to be with Tom.

According to a source, Tom reached out to Suri in late 2019 after seeing a photo of her looking older, sparking a new eagerness to be in his teen daughter’s life.

“He saw a photo of Suri looking all grown up, and it changed everything,” the insider told In Touch.

The source added: “With Katie single again, and Suri not having a father figure in her life, it’s the perfect opportunit­y to reach out.”

It is unknown how Katie feels about her estranged ex and beloved daughter reuniting after eight years.

Katie filed for divorce from Tom in 2012 and the Dawson’s Creek actress had been quietly dating actor Jamie Foxx, before they split late last year.

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 ??  ?? Their public outing comes as rumours swirl the pair have been ‘quietly dating’ since Michael’s high-profile split. Pip previously denied they were dating.
Their public outing comes as rumours swirl the pair have been ‘quietly dating’ since Michael’s high-profile split. Pip previously denied they were dating.
 ??  ?? Bec and daughter Ava were shopping for essentials.
The Hewitts received a number of grocery deliveries amid the COVID-19 outbreak.
Bec and daughter Ava were shopping for essentials. The Hewitts received a number of grocery deliveries amid the COVID-19 outbreak.
 ??  ??
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 ??  ?? The royals are not immune to this ‘global correction’.
The royals are not immune to this ‘global correction’.
 ??  ?? Georgina Walker says the world has pressed the reset button during this pandemic.
Georgina Walker says the world has pressed the reset button during this pandemic.
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 ??  ?? Life as we know it has changed.
Life as we know it has changed.
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 ??  ?? The world has come together in a crisis.
The world has come together in a crisis.
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 ??  ?? Suri reportedly wants to reunite with her dad.
Suri reportedly wants to reunite with her dad.
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