New Idea




She has been planning her dream wedding for almost a year, but in a sudden change of heart, loved-up Bindi Irwin threw caution to the wind, cancelling her big day and instead marrying in an intimate ceremony at Australia Zoo.

With just a small number of witnesses by their side, the Wildlife Warrior and her new husband Chandler Powell, 23, are now “blissfully happy” as newlyweds and can’t wait to celebrate with friends and family at a later date.

But according to sources, COVID-19 restrictio­ns weren’t the only reason why the couple rushed to the altar – Bindi is actually expecting! “Everyone thinks Bindi and Chandler were desperate to rush their wedding through because of lockdown rules, but there was actually another reason altogether,” says a source.


“The truth is they’re desperate to have a baby and Bindi’s convinced she might even already be pregnant. They didn’t want to have a baby before they got married and with so much uncertaint­y in the world, they didn’t know when that would be so decided to rush their plans forward,” they add.

“Bindi and Chandler are desperate to become parents and are really hoping a special gift is already on the way. It’s the talk among everyone who knows and loves them – that they might already be pregnant.

The source continues: “Everyone knows how much they want to start a family and really believe that this was a big reason that they decided to get married so quickly rather than wait for the coronaviru­s pandemic to pass.”

Though not everyone is happy that the couple chose to tie the knot while the world is in crisis. “Shame on you @Bindiirwin Australia’s health is more important than your wedding,” one furious Twitter user shared. Another wrote:

“No best wishes for these newlyweds. Should be ashamed of yourselves.”

Just hours after becoming Mrs Powell, however, Bindi, 21, took to Instagram to explain the couple’s decision.

“We didn’t have guests at our wedding,” she wrote.

“This was a very difficult decision but important to


keep everyone safe.

“Mum helped me get ready, Robert walked me down the aisle, Chandler became my husband and together we lit a candle in Dad’s memory.”

New Idea understand­s guests had been planning to jet into Australia from America and the rest of the world.

And while friends say Bindi was initially devastated that they had no choice but to cancel the celebratio­ns, she is now happier than ever to be Chandler’s wife.

“Of course it was heartbreak­ing as the news unfolded and they realised that many of Chandler’s family, especially older members, would not be able to attend,” says the friend.

“Then after large gatherings were also banned they knew there was no way it could go ahead. It was just awful. They were so upset.”

But after talking with her mum, Terri Irwin, 55, about their heartache, the pair realised they could have the best of both worlds.

“After almost a year of planning, we changed everything so that we could enjoy a safe and small private ceremony at our home, Australia Zoo,” Chandler shared on Instagram.

“As we embark on this new life chapter, I hope that we can share some love in the world, especially during this challengin­g time.”

Meanwhile, proud mum Terri also took to social media to share her pride and joy.

“I am so very happy for you both,” she tweeted.

“Your love shines bright in a world that needs a lot of hope and love right now. I know that Steve would be incredibly proud. Love wins!,” Terri concluded.

 ??  ?? The couple look forward to celebratin­g with friends and family when the crisis is over.
The couple look forward to celebratin­g with friends and family when the crisis is over.
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 ??  ?? Bindi and Chandler can’t wait to start a family and hope it will happen soon.
Bindi and Chandler can’t wait to start a family and hope it will happen soon.
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