New Idea

Frosted Carrot Loaf

Serves 8 to 10, Prep and Cook: 1 hour, 45 mins


450g can crushed pineapple

in syrup

4 large eggs

1½ cups brown sugar,

firmly packed

1 cup vegetable oil

2 cups self-raising flour

1 tsp bicarbonat­e of soda 1 tblsp mixed spice

2 cups coarsely grated carrot


1 cup pecans (120g), finely


Lindt Chocolate Carrots, to decorate


75g butter, chopped, at room


175g cream cheese, chopped,

at room temperatur­e

1 tsp finely grated lemon rind 2 tsps lemon juice

1 tsp vanilla bean paste

1 cup icing sugar mixture

1 Grease a large loaf pan (top measures 15cm x 23cm x 9cm deep). Line base and sides with baking paper, extending paper 4cm above pan edges.

2 Drain pineapple through a large sieve, pressing down with the back of a spoon to remove as much syrup as possible. Discard syrup.

3 Beat eggs, sugar and oil in the large bowl of an electric mixer for about 3 minutes, or until thick and pale.

4 Sift flour, soda and spice into a large bowl. Stir in egg mixture until just combined. Stir in carrot, pecans and pineapple until combined. Spoon into prepared pan. Smooth over top.

5 Cook in a moderately slow oven (160C), for about 1 hour and 15 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into centre comes out clean. Remove. Stand in pan for 20 minutes. Lift out onto a wire rack to cool completely.

6 To make frosting, beat butter in the small bowl of an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Add cream cheese, rind, juice and vanilla. Beat until smooth. Beat in sugar, ¼ cup at a time, until combined.

7 Spread frosting over top of loaf. Just before serving, decorate with chocolate carrots.

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