New Idea

Easter Bunny Cupcakes

Makes 12, Prep and Cook: 1 hour


2 x 125g packets mini Cadbury

Dairy Milk Easter eggs 200g unsalted butter, chopped,

at room temperatur­e

¾ cup caster sugar

2 tsps vanilla bean paste

3 eggs, at room temperatur­e ¹⁄³ cup milk

2 tsps lemon juice

1²⁄³ cups self-raising flour 1½ cups shaved coconut 6 jumbo marshmallo­ws

2 tblsps raspberry jelly crystals


180g block white cooking

chocolate, chopped

250g block unsalted butter,

chopped, at room temperatur­e 1½ cups icing sugar mixture

1 Line a 12-hole muffin pan (¹⁄³-cup capacity) with large paper cases. Remove foil wrapper from 12 of the eggs.

2 Beat butter, sugar and vanilla in a small bowl of an electric mixer until fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time, until combined. Transfer to a large bowl.

3 In two batches, stir in combined milk and juice with flour until combined. Divide evenly among cases. Place an egg on top of each one.

4 Cook in a moderately slow oven (160C) for about 20 minutes, or until firm to touch in the centre. Remove. Stand in pan for 5 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

5 To make frosting, place chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on High (100%), stirring every 15 seconds, for 40 to 50 seconds, or until melted. Remove. Cool for 5 minutes.

6 Beat butter in same, clean bowl of electric mixer until pale and creamy. Beat in sugar, ½ cup at a time, until combined. Gradually beat in cooled chocolate. Transfer to a piping bag fitted with a 1cm plain nozzle. Pipe onto cupcakes. Sprinkle with coconut.

7 Cut marshmallo­ws in half lengthways. Cut each half diagonally in half again.

Dip cut-sides into jelly crystals. Remove foil wrapper from another 12 eggs. Cut in half crossways. Arrange marshmallo­ws and eggs in frosting to represent ears and eyes.

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