New Idea



Karina Machado is a journalist, host of the

Spirit Sisters podcast and the author of Spirit Sisters, Where Spirits Dwell and Love Never Dies, a non-fiction series exploring the extraordin­ary experience­s of ordinary people. Now, on The Ghost Files podcast each week, Karina will introduce a guest who’ll share their personal encounter with the spirit world.


Angelina, a student nurse who lives in Wagga Wagga, NSW, has had encounters with spirits all her life. “I very rarely tell anyone about my ‘spidey senses’ (as I call them) and what’s happened over the years,” she revealed. I invited Angelina on The Ghost Files podcast. Among the many stories she shared was one about an unexpected guest on her wedding night.

In 2006, Angelina exchanged vows at the historic Victoria Barracks in Sydney. “The grounds and buildings are absolutely stunning, suspended in time,” recalls Angelina. At 3am she woke up, freezing. “Then, I felt the blankets get pulled up over me and I was tucked in. I was so grateful to feel warm again I actually said, ‘Thank you,’ out loud. Then I was wide awake because I realised someone was in our room.” She dared to look. “I saw a young-ish woman in an old-style nurse’s uniform, it was all white, the skirt below the knee, white stockings and a short-sleeve shirt with the iconic white nurse’s hat with the red medic cross on the front. She also had a red cross on her sleeve. She looked at me and smiled and walked out, but as she did, she disappeare­d.”

Afraid only “for a second or two”, Angelina promptly fell back asleep. The next morning, she asked a staff member about the premises, and found out the rooms had been used as a hospital for returning soldiers in wartime. “Goosebumps and chills hit me. It was the informatio­n I needed to confirm what I’d seen and felt,” she says. “I love this experience because it was so tender and nurturing. It was done out of kindness and love. I felt cared for and safely looked after. I bet she would’ve made a great nurse.”

Listen to Angelina’s amazing story on The Ghost Files podcast.

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