New Idea




She’s the no-nonsense bride who isn’t afraid to speak her mind. However, according to fellow MAFS participan­ts, the pressure of the show experiment became too much even for Stacey Hampton.

New Idea understand­s the 25-year-old mother of two hit breaking point before entering the reunion ceremony during filming in January. One contestant claims an emotional Stacey, after facing accusation­s from her fellow contestant­s, may have been sedated.

According to another contestant, the arguments and accusation­s directed towards Stacey at the dinner party the previous night, paired with the stress of heading into the final reunion ceremony, where she would face more backlash from her cast members, forced her to seek treatment for her anxiety.

“She was an absolute mess before the reunion,” the contestant reveals. “Her anxiety was through the roof, and she was extremely nervous about going inside and being confronted by everyone again because she knew she was going to cop it from all angles. She had a total meltdown.”

Tensions between Stacey and the rest of the cast reached boiling point at the dinner party held the night before the reunion ceremony, after Mikey Pembroke, 29, was flown home early from a family vacation in Paris so they could address the rumours of his alleged affair with Stacey.

“Stacey completely denied it,” a contestant explains. “Stacey was gobsmacked and really upset.”

The others accused her of being a “liar” for covering up her illicit affair and eventually they turned on her.

“Everyone was shocked and angry that Stacey had the audacity to lie about it, after taking the moral high ground when Michael cheated on her with Hayley.

“It’s not fair that she thinks she can have this dirty little secret and get away with it,” a contestant explains.

On welcoming everyone into the dinner party, Natasha was the first to call out Stacey for her actions, saying to the group: “Welcome everyone and thanks to Stacey for f--king my husband.”

She then went on: “Here you are on your moral high ground. Two wrongs don’t make a right. You stormed out on Michael cheating on you, and here you are sleeping with another person too.”

Meanwhile, Michael and Stacey are said to have had a huge argument when they returned to their hotel.


“Michael told her he was embarrasse­d that he was the last person to find out about Stacey and Michael even though Stacey denies it.

“It got so heated they had to get them separate rooms.”

The following morning, producers made Stacey and Michael travel to the reunion together despite things being extremely hostile between them.

“That’s when Stacey completely broke down,” the source adds.

Stacey, who has battled with body image issues in the past, previously opened up about her struggles. “I am on medication to help me eat and get my appetite back. It’s due to stress and trauma I’ve been through,” she told Hit107’s Bec & Cosi.

Despite this, she insists she has “thick skin”.

“At the end of the day I knew what I signed up for,” Stacey said in a previous interview. “I’m not naive.”

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 ??  ?? Stacey is said to have got into a raging argument with Michael over her alleged affair.
Stacey is said to have got into a raging argument with Michael over her alleged affair.

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