New Idea



- LENORE & BRADLEY By Zoe Burrell

When it comes to who would take charge of the building on House Rules: High Stakes, we often see the blokes pick up the tools. But for mum and son team Lenore and Bradley

that certainly wasn’t the case.

Before they started on the show, the pair had made the easy decision that mum Lenore, 55, would be on the tools while fashion designer Bradley, 31, did the shopping and styling.

“From the beginning our plan was that we both wanted to experience things we had never done before,” Bradley tells New Idea.

“For mum that was being on the tools, learning a trade and being on site. And mum did an amazing job doing it.

“Then for me, going out and shopping for stuff and styling and designing

rooms, I have never done that before.

“Yes, I may be a fashion designer, but this is a whole different world.”

Lenore admits that she loved getting in and giving it a go.

“I wanted to learn this, and I loved getting my hands dirty and working with the tools and most of all see something grow from what you are doing,” adds Lenore.

“And, if I can inspire anyone


to get out there and have a go and most of all not be afraid to do something you have never done before, that’s amazing.”

But Lenore’s time on the tools could all be over before they know it if they don’t make it through the penthouse eliminatio­n challenge.

“If we don’t make it through to the next round mum’s not going to get her house renovated and it’s all for nothing,” says Bradley.

“So, there’s high stakes. It’s all or nothing and you’ve really got to give it all you’ve got.”

For Bradley, getting the chance to give his mum and stepfather, Michael, the home of their dreams is the reason he decided to go on the show.

“I obviously decided to sign up to the show because it would probably be the only chance I would get in my life to give back to mum and the family,” gushes Bradley.

“It was a chance for me to say thank you for everything they have done for us as kids growing up.

“You know, they put their lives on hold to make sure we got the best schooling and to make sure our lives would be better, so it would be a chance for us to give them the house of their dreams that they have put on hold for, well, 31 years.”

Of course, Lenore, who is incredibly touched by Bradley’s words, admits that she never expected anything back for everything she has done.

“It’s just what a mother does,” she says. “You give everything you can to your children.”

But she also admits that she can’t wait to have a freshly renovated house.

“Like everybody, you live in a place for so long and you get frustrated because you have this vision of what you can do but you never have the funds to do it,” says Lenore.

“To have a space that’s our own would be amazing.”

Bradley adds, “I think to be able to get something created specifical­ly for my mum and my stepdad that show their love and joy is really, really exciting.”

It’s evident that Bradley and Lenore share an incredibly close bond and while they admit that they got on incredibly well during the show, the mother and son do admit that there were a few tense moments.

“We probably do yell at each other,” laughs Bradley.

“But then it’s over in two minutes and we hug and laugh,” chimes in Lenore. “That’s just the way we are. I will always be his mum and no matter how old they get, they will always be your children.”

Of course, she does add with a laugh: “The only person I could have ever done this with is Bradley and the only person who could have tolerated me, is Bradley.”

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 ??  ?? Lenore wanted to learn a trade and how to use power tools on the show.
Bradley wants to thank his mum for everything she has done raising him.
Lenore wanted to learn a trade and how to use power tools on the show. Bradley wants to thank his mum for everything she has done raising him.

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