New Idea




Throughout her time as a royal, Princess Diana openly struggled with adhering to royal protocol. Now, a shock new interview reveals that she also harboured concerns that her sons would struggle with royal life – and that this might one day break their brotherly bond.

Diana’s dream analyst Joan Hanger has exclusivel­y told New Idea the eerie prediction, claiming that the Princess of Wales privately expressed and documented her concerns that royal protocol could drive a wedge between her sons, Prince William and Prince Harry.

“She did have worries about the boys, whether they’d be able to work with the protocol of the palace,” the internatio­nally bestsellin­g author and dream analyst reveals.

“She said it’s not easy to do that. She’d say little things like that now and then. She was giving them as much advice as she could, but she had that on her mind a lot.”

According to Joan, Diana was particular­ly worried about her eldest son, and future king, William.

“She was nervous about William handling it because he’d have to follow these rules, and [have] to conform to the


protocol. William had such a role that he had to play that was already programmed for him.

“Up until three weeks before her death, we were still talking. She would ring me on the weekends because that’s when she’d be very lonely.

“She worried about William becoming king one day, and what really saddened her was that she couldn’t talk about it with Charles because she really didn’t have much say in the boys’ upbringing after the divorce. Only perhaps when she was with them, and even then the Queen Mother cut the time they spent together short over the years before she died.”

It is understood that in the final years of her life, Diana kept a diary of her dreams, hopes and fears.

“She would write a lot of them down, lots of different things down,” Joan explains. “It was very difficult for her because she was very lonely.”

As has been widely reported, Harry, 35, is believed to have taken exception to his older brother’s line of questionin­g about rushing into a marriage with Meghan Markle.

Their simmering feud was

seemingly confirmed in the 2019 ITV documentar­y, when Harry admitted that he and William, 37, were “on different paths”.

“Harry wasn’t getting much guidance after Diana died, about how he should have been behaving,” Joan continues.

“And there wasn’t any mum for him to ring up or to do anything with after she’d died. The Queen has got such a role that she can’t be a mother to anyone really.”

But as the world – along with the royal family – come to grips with the coronaviru­s outbreak, there are early signs that the royal brothers are moving towards a truce.

“I think there will always be an enormous amount of love between those boys, no matter what,” Joan says.

“However I think the wives have come in the way, I think that’s what’s happened,” she continues. “Harry adored Kate – they were such a terrific threesome.”

Regardless of the current state of their relationsh­ip, Joan is adamant that Princess Diana would be incredibly proud of her boys.

“She loved those boys so much.”

In recent weeks, Prince William and Duchess Kate have had to step up as leaders following Prince Charles’ positive diagnosis with the coronaviru­s, while the Queen is in self-isolation.

“She would be overwhelmi­ngly proud of William and his family. And Harry wants to do his own thing, perhaps showing a little bit of her wanting to do her own thing.”

 ??  ?? Diana is said to have been worried about her sons and their royal duties.
Diana is said to have been worried about her sons and their royal duties.
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