New Idea




They’re determined to be the new king and queen of Hollywood after relocating from Britain to California. So it makes sense that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would want to look the part, too.

In a New Idea exclusive, sources reveal the royal rebels are going all-out to achieve sculpted physiques that would rank alongside those of their new A-list neighbours.

That’s meant gruelling gym sessions at their Malibu mansion, strict diet routines and, in Meghan’s case, some secret cosmetic procedures!

“Harry and Meghan are both intensely committed to looking their best now they’re living this new glamorous lifestyle,” an insider reveals.

“When they were back in the UK their health and beauty routines weren’t nearly so important, but Meghan knows more than anyone how there’s no margin for mediocrity if they want to be bona fide Hollywood power players. She’s committed to getting into the shape of her life – and Harry has vowed to do the same.”

The insider adds, “They’ve been up at 5am most days, hitting the treadmill for a good sweat and lifting weights together. They each have custom-made meals that are prepared the night before, including snacks, and they’re both averaging around three workouts every day.

“Meghan is fully focused and impeccably organised, and Harry has really stepped up to the plate, though it’s a huge lifestyle shift and a little daunting.”

Turning to the duke’s routine, the source reveals, “He’s lifting weights, throwing medicine balls and eating high protein food every few hours in between workouts.

Eventually he’ll get a personal trainer to visit each day but for now Harry’s relying on his own knowledge and discipline to achieve the body he wants. He wants to lose the love handles that started to build when he was in Canada, add around 10 kilos but really focus on muscle mass and definition.”

But Harry and Meghan aren’t just relying on diet and fitness routines to achieve the body beautiful.

“He’s going through with hair plugs and Meghan’s indulging in some Botox,” spills the insider, who adds, “This was always frowned upon in royal circles, but now she’s back in America, there’s nothing remotely taboo about it.

“Harry is aware that a receding hairline isn’t an ideal look in the entertainm­ent capital of the world, so he’s pushing through to have a subtle procedure that will thicken his scalp and take care of the issue long-term.

“Meghan isn’t going overboard with Botox or fillers, but she’s excited to see what other options are out there and it’s nice to have the freedom to do this now they’re away from the stuffy world of the royals.”

As widely reported, Meghan is gearing up for a movie comeback in the hope of taking her acting career to a higher level. She’s been in talks with power players at Disney studios and recently narrated a documentar­y about elephants.

Sources also spilled how she’s teamed up with Angelina Jolie with the aim of working on box office projects as well as charity initiative­s.

This means Harry is likely to be more of a stay-at-home dad, taking care of their son Archie, who turns 1 on May 6.

An insider reveals, “He still has plenty of his own initiative­s to look forward to, like charity work and public speaking gigs, plus the occasional cameo himself if the opportunit­y is right.

“But Harry will be way less busy than Meghan once she’s ready to accept these acting gigs, so Meghan’s expecting him to step up and be the full-time parent. They’ve already used nannies more than they wanted to.”

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